Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Would you cry at your own funeral?

If we had the ability to attend our own funeral would you be able to look at who you were and feel you influenced someone, helped change someone, or caused some kind of reaction where the world has become even 1% better in someones life?

Do you live your life for yourself and ONLY yourself? Only acknowledging others when they can immediately benefit you? Are you selfish? Do you ALWAYS ask and never give?

Too many times we life our lives with the mentality that we won't do anything for anyone unless it imediately benefits ourselves. America was born and maintained on an individualistic mentality and I'm 100% sure that this will be our downfall. "It's a dog-eat-dog world," and "only the strong survive" are mottos that we teach out children growing up. What happened to helping your fellow man and supporting those around you so everyone excels?

As this decade rolls around to an end, I think we should all make resolutions to really sit back and evaluate what kind of person we have been in the past 10 years and make a conscious effort to improve ourselves in the next 10 years to come. Nobody is perfect and that isn't what I'm requesting, I really just want us to be able to look at who we USED to be and understand that as a people, we can be better people. Change starts within - as of recently we're been crying for CHANGE but we're still in the same rut that we've been in a year ago.

Are you proud of who you are? Is your family proud of you? Are your friends? 2010 is an opportunity for us to make a big difference, but it all starts internally. My New Decade Resolution is to take the time and really focus on myself and be a better person than I was in the last one. What's yours?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone