Thursday, January 21, 2010

The reason behind it all...

Living and growing up in Brooklyn, New York, you tend to see a lot. As a child, you have to grow up fast in order to survive, and in today’s society, that isn’t so easy anymore. Every day, students battle to go to school and get an education; but more importantly, they battle to be able to see tomorrow. Too many times, especially in 2009, we hear about these people dying, but there are too many times where it is someone young and full of life. Teens living in cities are dying well before their time; parents are forced to bury their children, and that's a serious problem. I was blessed enough to grow up with both my parents at home, to live in a safe neighborhood, and to go to a private school up until middle school – but not everyone is as lucky as I was. By high school, most teens have had their dreams crushed and feel like education is a waste of time because they’re never going to amount to anything. What’s most unfortunate about it is that this is our future! What do we do with a generation of youths who don’t even believe in themselves?

I grew up hearing “it takes a village to raise a child,” and that’s the truth. We need to serve as role models and help teach our youth that the world is vast and there are opportunities around every corner. Currently, I’m working as a substitute teacher in the school I graduated from 4 ½ years ago, Boys and Girls High School. In the heart of Bedford Stuyvesant, Boys and Girls is one of the largest high schools in the state. I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed and feel like nobody even notices you are there. While in school, our guidance counselors were so overworked that we never had time to get to know each other. My student to counselor experience consisted of a couple of meetings each yeah and a few extra meetings when I wanted to get my schedule changed. Nothing really happened until senior year when I made sure my counselor knew who I was and would do all she could do to help me in my future. But what happens to the student who doesn’t speak up? Is he doomed to be lost in the magnitude?

In my opinion, the counseling experience needs to be changed. Students are being recognized by ID numbers and schedules rather than names and faces. I want to take the counseling experience back to one where the student feels comfortable enough that he can come and talk to me whenever he feels like no one else would understand. What these kids need is someone to be there for them, someone to tell them what to do without yelling and screaming at them. They need someone to show them how to respect themselves and the people around them. I want to be able to educate him so that he understands that high school graduation should not be the end goal – that there is so much more to strive for in life. I want the youth of Boys and Girls High School to have the opportunity to go away to school – get out of the neighborhood and experience life away from Fulton Street, because only then will they learn and be able to figure out what life has in store for them.

Just because you aren’t a certified teacher doesn’t mean you can’t teach a valuable life lesson. The ability to be an effective teacher comes from having a passion for what you’re doing, and my passion is helping the people in my neighborhood. With the help of Graduate studies and a Masters in School Counseling, I hope to be able to make an effective change in the future of my community.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Things I wish I knew when I was your age...

Some tips I've been compiling for high school students on life inside and outside of school... for the present and the future. Feel free to add your own.

Behavior -
- Grow up! You want respect? Earn it.
- Understand that your environment is in the state it's in because you make it like that. Is your lunch room a mess? It's probably because your peers throw carrots and apple slices at each other.
- Sad but true, one person CAN ruin it for everyone.
- Certain actions are inappropriate in ANY public settings.
- You're entirely too old to act like a child. Why do you need someone to yell at you in order for you to listen?
- Everything you see on tv (even if stamped as "reality") isn't always true.
Appearance -
- Fads die hard. Develop you're own style.
- It never hurts to look clean and collected.
- Men, PLEASE, learn how to tie a tie.
- You're immediately judged by the way you look. The sagging jeans and the baggy tees immediately sets you up for trouble.
- People are a lot easier to talk to when you look like you have an education.

- College might not be for everyone; but understand, a degree will open about three times the amount of doors a high-school diploma does.
- A G.E.D. is the same equivalent as a high-school diploma, but the level of respect you get for having a G.E.D. is substantially lower.
- The larger your vocabulary, the farther you will go in life.
- There are more well-paid lawyers, doctors, judges, politicians, etc (who make more) than there are famous athletes in the NBA, NFL, and MLB combined.
- Anybody who is properly educated doesn't use racial slurs.

- In order to live comfortably, you need some kind of credit.
- These credit card companies WILL get you if you're not prepared. Don't open a credit card (student card) if you don't have any type of income.
- You can get credit from just paying your phone bill on time every month.
- Learn what a W-2 is, because at EVERY job you get, you have to fill out one.
- MEMORIZE your social security number.

- Understand that a certain level of respect is key when you want to talk to ANYBODY.
- Realize that there is a time and place for everything. Some things aren't appropriate for certain times.
- Romance shouldn't always be on the forefront.
- Women who walk all over men will never be satisfied.
- Men who don't respect women won't get a woman who respects herself.
- Women who have no respect for themselves won't go anywhere in life - same goes for men.
- Everyone who smiles in your face isn't your friend.
- Cliques only become bad when you bully others - but being an individual goes over just as well.
- Don't be afraid to express your faith. A man with a level head never hurt anyone.

So this is what I have for now. What do you think?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I. Trusted. You.

I think I wrote this 3 years ago. But, I can't remember why.
Oh, Happy New Year btw, lol.

We were friends... least I thought we were
I had no doubt in my mind until I found out the truth.
You found the need to lie about me, to prove to them,
to prove to yourself, that you were still... a MAN.
So the secret lay buried... hidden behind closed doors
Never to be shed light on, until you fucked up.
You see,
the biggest misconception is that I'm attracted to you.
Apparently we need to examine this falsity and discover the truth.
I thought you always had my back.
I felt I could always count on you.
You lied to me, to my face.
I'd rather you shoot me in the face, I mean,
It would hurt less.
You see, people will always talk about you
all the time... but YOU???

We were brothers from diff mothers
You told me things nobody knew
only to find out you told people things about me
that weren't even true...
but apparently I knew... and clearly so did you.
You passed it off as the truth because you were the proof
... that I was nothing but a homo.
The brother with the father you never had
who felt bed when you always got mad
because your mother used to beat you.
I held your secrets dear to me
Because I never wanted to be
The one who betrayed you, like you did to me.

To make matters worst, it was a lie
That I wasn't even there to deny
The rumors that you spread about me.
So I'm going to ask you this,
The last thing I ever plan on doing
The last time I speak to you
The last time I address you

The next time you want to make
Yourself look better
Remember to take a good look in the mirror
Because self-improvement only comes from within.

In any sense, I think it's interesting and just a lil look into how I react to some things. Hmmm. Lol

Peace and blessings and a Happy New Year